Saturday, February 15, 2014

PPM3 from February 15, 2014

What is the sound of Being?  This is a central question explored after the reading of the meditation originally written Feb 15,2004.  This is PPM3, which continues the exploration of evocative speech.  It claims that evocative speech gathers us together and in dialogue we mutually draw our attention to what 'is not/not yet'.  In turn, this dialogic relationship that is gathered by evocative speech is described as hermeneutic.

1 comment:

  1. 10 years later to the day. The question, What is the sound of Being?, heard today, 20 years after the original experiment, is 'remixed' -- new category developed in my Nancy paper in summer 2023. 'Remixed' in the sense that the question 'sounds' different, is quieter, more dispersed, lighter, and not entirely tethered to the spoken word, or, rather, untethered from the spoken word. At the beginning of this 3rd go round, already, music makes its appearance, the poetic pushing against the boundaries of the prosaic.
