In PPM5 I explore further how Heidegger's question, "How is it with the Nothing?" is an exemplar of 'evocative speech,' or the form of language that propels the relation between Being and learning. Further exploration takes me into the processural character of Being's unfolding. I write "the 'new' task of philosophy, if it is to overcome its tradition, metaphysics, is to think this process." I conclude with a set of questions about the evocative question 'How is it with the Nothing?' These questions, which are intended to motivate the next meditation, include: What does this question intended/attempt to 'say'?
Picking up on my response to the previous day's meditation, which is inspired by my recent engagement with Arendt, the problem posed by Heidegger *after* metaphysics ["how is with the Nothing?"] is perhaps the most poignant way of posing the situation of education (being and learning) in the wake of the rupture with 'tradition,' which Arendt identifies as defining the 'crisis' in education.