Tuesday, January 13, 2015

OPM 325(326), January 13th (2015) Meditation, Being and Learning, pp. 344-346

Thinking/writing in the stream of
[the last of Phish run of New Year’s Shows last week in Miami; beginning at 17:48 and repeating the “Light” jam; every now and then I go on Phish binge, especially when something from recent tour finds its way into  my Dead Zone inbox! nb:  after hearing it on the radio yesterday in the morning, I was planning to listen to Henry Purcell…but this Phish is just too right on for a cold early glorious morning in Portland!]

So the past few commentaries have all been about working through the fundamental ontological claim, and describing the relationship of Being and learning  as the presencing of becoming.  Here is the place where my emphasis on the actualization and realization are grounded*.  The real is made through imitation.  This is the clever aphorism that says most of all I need to say about the technē  of education. 

On 1/13/05 the writing expresses a proto huacaslogical form when it describes the technē of learning – artwork – as happening “in/with the Open, the space where the learner crosses over…into the enchanted region where she is un-bound from the self.” (BL 344) 

Recalling here some of the iterations of huacalogical thinking, which describes the place (‘space’) of learning as sacred (hence the learner as homo sacer*)

What distinguishes the dialectic of learning is its third moment, which has to be thought via what I am calling the huacaslogical (cartographical phenomenology, originary place thinking) (12/22/14)

The phenomenological reduction to the originary discloses: the Nothing, fecund Silence, the Open; all ‘resting’ in the atemporal//kairological Eternal.   In turn, the phenomenology of the originary is  huacaslogical (a thinking in/or sacred place).  (12/26/14)

1.     “Spatiality, like the air, remains the hidden presence of the most essential, but, unlike the archaic principles of the Milesians, space is not a material first ‘substance’…”(BL 323)
2.     “Space is the immaterial phenomenon of the Open itself that remains the most hidden and concealed…”(BL 323)

On 12/27/04 the spatiality of the huacaslogical – the phenomenology of sacred space – gives way to the complementary temporality of the learning community’s work, described with language that resonates with Badiou (who I was not reading in 2004).  The work is described as “the dialogic event, where and when the poetics of artistic expression unfolds…”(BL 325)

And, for me, Parmenides is demonstrating what I am calling the huacaslogical:  the description of the thinking happening in sacred place (holy time and space).(1/6/15)  

*We are made, we become real, we become whole, not to mention holy.  That is, we become homo sacer, which, from the perspective of the State denotes philosophy (learning as thinking, thinking as learning) as ‘accursed,’ but from within that ‘third space’ (DuBois mapping of education outside the State and Market) of the learning community we are sacred. (12/19/14)

Entering into becoming happens via self-overcoming, which, I would reiterate, is prepared by apathetic reading (documented here and there in the pages of this blog,  and offered a full articulation in the paper written about a year ago for PES Albuquerque).   To describe the learner as ‘un-bound’ is to describe her as beyond the self, as having experienced the pedagogy of gelassenheit, as (re)newed into learning by entering the flow of becoming.  “Un-bound, the learner is affirmed as the newcomer, the bearer of the question…vestige of the originary dispensation.”(BL 343)  Recall: ‘vestige’ is a category I received during my training at Fordham in medieval philosophy and theology, which came to me from Bonaventure and his Franciscan ontology of the vestigium.   I use this category to rework Arendt’s ‘natality’.   In turn, the vestige is the originary dispensation “bourne upon” the learner.   Our natality is the vestigium of ceaseless nativity.  Ontologically this implies the learner “always already in the condition of freedom because she remains (de)construccion, from/of creation.  To be ‘of’ creation is to remain a creative being, a being capable of making, or initiating…”(BL 345)  It’s a subtle move to insert the Spanish as a displacement of ‘deconstruction’, with the attempt to underline that condition of the learning as the modality of being made.   This is the why I wrote that  “we are made, we become real, we become whole, not to mention holy.  That is, we become homo sacer, which, from the perspective of the State denotes philosophy (learning as thinking, thinking as learning) as ‘accursed,’ but from within that ‘third space’ (DuBois mapping of education outside the State and Market) of the learning community we are sacred.”(12/19/14)   To entering into becoming is to (re)turn to the realization of being holy, and to move in a sacred place.   And on 1/13/15 then learner is described as coming into the realization of “her condition as free and un-bound, and thus she takes up her position as a learner, as one who remains in-complete, under construction.  And when taking up this position she becomes ready to perform, to produce the artwork of be-ing human, to (re)present Being and thereby take up the question posed by Being…the question that appears in the very condition of her existence, freedom.”(BL 343)

The writing on 1/13/05 is as locked in as the jam happening at 41” of the second set of Phish (1/3/15), so that I am going to let the material speak for itself:

“…to dwell in/with Being’s dynamic dispersal is to abide (de)construccion of/from {under} construction in the process of becoming.”(BL 345)

“And this is the condition of the learner, the one who is seized by and is closely attuned to Being…to the be-ing of human as (de)construccion, as in the process of becoming…”(BL 346)

“The learner, as captivated by learning, is seized by the processural unfolding of Being, and ‘her’ participation in this dynamic process.  To be learner is thus to be attuned to this participation and in this wide awakeness to cultivate the conditions of the actuality of learning…”(BL 346)

“Thus, the learner is seized by Being, by the be-ing of human, by the ‘fact’ of existence, by the ‘fact’ that she exists at all….learning is only put underway by this awakening…”(BL 346)

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