Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Peregrinatio Memphis: Camino Mafioso (A Musical Diary)

Threshold Day (PES 2014>PES 2015) , the in-between (Good Friday and Easter Sunday??? perhaps the best analogy), or as T. Lewis aka Iron Mike refers to with his Denver drawl: Sahhhturrday (day of pure potentiality).  Whatever you call it, the kairological moment happened at midnight, actually at 11:59 MT in the Albuquerque, NM Sunport (gotta love that name!), where I boarded the JB red-eye bound for NYC JFK, and then onto Portlandia, MAINE.    If I were sound-tracking the moment, that ‘begins’ with the taxi rolling up to the curb at Hotel Albuquerque, the Stones ‘Midnight Rambler’ from Get Yer Ya-Ya’s Out! (Decca & London Records, 1970) would be THE track that would take me from the hotel and onto the plane.   Listen and make some cinegraphia:

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